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avatar Ten blog rowerowy prowadzi DunPeal z miasta Poznań. Mam przejechane 6689.58 kilometrów w tym 4097.30 w terenie. Jeżdżę z prędkością średnią 22.55 km/h.
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17.05 Avidy

Poniedziałek, 17 maja 2010 · dodano: 17.05.2010 | Komentarze 2

kolejny "goracy" zakup, wlasciwie dalej nie wiem co mnie podkusilo ale coz kasa juz poszla...
kupilem sobie piekny przedni hamulec Avid'a (Elixir CR) czarno-czerwony, gdy go dotknalem wiedzialem ze musze go miec. zjechalem wlasnie druga pare klockow hamulcowych, mialem kupic sobie wlasnie nowe a skonczylem z nowym hamulcem ;)
- jesli ktos reflektuje na avid juicy 3 do przodu, mam komplecik za niewygorowana cene :)
dzieki odwazeniu roweru o 150g zszedlem ponizej 11kg :) w planie mam zakup nowego siodelka i sztycy tj kolejne 300g do przodu :)

ponizej kosmiczny wyczyn pewnego amerykanina jesli ktos nie czytal polecam :)
George E. Hood is a 50 year old ultra athlete who holds the Guinness World Record for static "spin" cycling, at 177 hours and 45 minutes.

He is a retired Special Agent from the United States Drug Enforcement Administration who presently resides in Aurora, Illinois. Hood has resided all about the United States but is originally from Indiana, Pennsylvania.

He is an official three time Guinness Book of World Records (GWR) holder, which started with his first GWR in October, 1986, at the Nuuanu YMCA in Honolulu, Hawaii when he set the GWR for the "Rope Skipping Marathon" at 13 hours, 12 minutes and 11 seconds.

He is best known most recently for his three Guinness Book of World Record attempts for the most hours on the stationary bike (Static "Spin" Cycling Marathon) during the period from January 2007 to May, 2008. From January 10-13, 2007, on behalf of the Illinois Concerns of Police Survivors (COPS), Hood rode a total of 91 hours but his attempt was not certified by GWR due to administrative errors in his logbook.

From July 10-14, 2007, on behalf of special needs kids of the Willowbrook-Burr Ridge Kiwanis club, Hood rode for 111 hours, 11 minutes and 11 seconds and officially set a new Guinness World Record which Hood held up until early 2008 when a gentleman from Tasmania was certified as the current record holder with a time of 132 hours which was actually accomplished just 2 weeks after Hood's July, 2007 ride. Hood's first two attempts on the stationary bike were held at the Five Seasons Sports Club in Burr Ridge, IL.

From May 4-12, 2008, on behalf of the Heritage YMCA Strong Kids Campaign in Naperville, Illinois, Hood set a new GWR at 177 hours and 45 minutes for the static "spin" cycling marathon. Unknown to Hood at the time, the 132 hour attempt had already been surpassed in September 2007 in North Carolina and was subsequently certified at 175+ hours, which Hood was made aware of on Day 5 of his record ride. Hood's display of mental and physical stamina and outright strength gathered from a tightly woven pit crew of supporters and hundreds of volunteers propelled Hood to set the new GWR of 177 hours and 45 minutes. During the May ride, it is estimated that Hood traveled around 2,700 miles and used about 47,000 Calories.[1]

Hood's rides have all been for charity with each of his rides being record setting fund raisers for the charities and not for profit organizations involved.
Kategoria Różne

| 08:46 wtorek, 18 maja 2010 | linkuj Dun - Uważaj z wagą bo to się mści zwłaszcza w górach ;)
| 20:35 poniedziałek, 17 maja 2010 | linkuj Piescisz ten rower piescisz, a potem Ci stery siadaja na pierwszym zjezdzie. Niewdzieczna bestia :>.
Ten koles to nie wiem jak mogl tyle wytrzymac, ja tam trzech godzin nigdy nie wysiedzialem :).

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